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Owning The Declaration of Independence – Jefferson’s Pursuit of Property and Power

Jefferson’s Ownership of the Declaration of Independence

His Pursuit of Property and Power

By Wilson J. Moses, Thursday, January 29, 2015

Jefferson’s possessiveness regarding the Declaration of Independence was no mere matter of intellectual pride; it involved material gain. He consistently derived financial and political advantages by staking a claim to its authorship. Steven Hochman says that, “While Jefferson often failed to pay his debts on time, creditors rarely complained. Generally a warm letter would be sent to him as from Leonard and Bayard in 1822, granting more time “to the author of the Declaration of Independence.”[1] Hochman’s statement reveals a generousity of spirit, but in fact, Jefferson, did not simply postpone payment on his debts; he never paid them. He left a financial burden to his heirs that was not lifted until 1878. But even Jefferson’s prideful heirs did not bear the brunt of the suffering caused by his financial genius, which was a gift for constructing air castles, somewhat different, but no less magnificent than those of Charles Ponzi and Bernard Madoff.   The chief moral difference is that Ponzi’s and Madoff’s victims were culpable partners in their own destruction. The victims of Jefferson’s financial irrresposibility were the slaves who constituted the bulk of his capital, and whose families and communities had to be liquidated at the time of his death.

Jefferson’s greatest marks of entrepreneurial genius were thus proven by his economic and his political exploitation of the Declaration of Indepencence. Never in modern history has any politician pulled off a more impressive coup. His singular reputation as a philosopher of the enlightenment rests entirely on his ownership of the preamble to that document, which consists of a few glib pontifications that he later repudiated, both in word and in deed.   Jefferson used words alone to establish himself as the creator of the Republic, without ever fighting in the revolution, and while making only the most half-hearted attempt as wartime governor of Virginia. He was absent from the country while the Constitution was being framed, and he returned just in time to continually undermine George Washington’s administration. His greatest accomplishment was heeding Madison’s advice to purchase Louisiana, in pragmatic violation of his own abstract ideological princples.

That his life contradicted in the most eggregious manner the egalitarian and libertarian ideas of the Declaration has become a boring cliche. It is less commonly acknowledged that he verbally repudiated the Declaration’s ideals both in print and in private letters. And yet, he was brilliantly capable of marketing himself as the author of the Declaration’s eternal verities. These self-evident truths had a use-value to a clever trickster who could borrow money on the basis of their sentimental appeal, but its platitudes had no application to the child laborers in Monticello’s “dark satanic mills.”

[1] Steven Harold Hochman, “Thomas Jefferson: A Personal Financial Biography” (Ph. D. dissertation, U. of Virginia, 1987). I wish to thank Henry Wiencek for providing a copy of this page.

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  1. Elois Scott
    February 10, 2015 at 8:58 pm

    Is this the piece you were working on when you were in Paris in 2013.
    Would like to keep in contact with you and in particular follow your blogs in french

  2. Phyllis Fortunato Kiper
    March 21, 2024 at 11:32 pm

    I have finally found you! When I needed a new cell phone, my beloved son told me I needed a “Smart Phone”; there were no more “dumb phones”, so I got a smart phone (smarter than I am), and I lost your telephone number along with my “dumb phone”. Sad, sad, sad. I’ve been trying for months – nay, years – to find you w/o any success. The other day I was tidying books - getting them organized – when out of one of them flew your high school graduation picture I’d been using for a bookmark, so I knew you would be found, and here you are! I’ve kept your HS picture on the keyboard of my laptop to keep you in the forefront of my mind – not that you were so very far away. Needless to say you have more than fulfilled my expectations for you; I’m so proud to have known you back then and reconnecting with you has been a real joy. But “losing” you again has been a deep sadness. Below you will find my contact info; please use it to get in touch. I gather from this bio on your blog that you are still among the living. I am looking forward to hearing from you and catching up.

    • March 22, 2024 at 10:02 am

      Dear Phyllis,
      I am happy you found me again and I hope you receive this message. My email address is below
      My land line telephone number is 814-867-7156
      My cell phone is 814-441-8983
      If you ever lose my number I can be contacted through Penn State University Department of History

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